
Digital workflow

where did smartflow begin


Our digital Smartflow system was initially developed to streamline the design to print process and utilise the variable data potential of digital print. Delivering a complete digital workflow for any form of digital production, consisting of the following elements that can be integrated into your project or campaign needs – design / artwork automation, data transfer, supply chain management and much more.

The digital Smartflow system enables your brand to to link consumers into your digital interactions with real life packaging products helping to increase brand awareness, loyalty and a personalised message for a true customer experience. The system features numerous elements that provide an interactive structure to enable online digital platforms to transform into print and supply chain workflows.

smartflow logo


smartflow ecommerce

Customer e-commerce

The creative element of any campaign is embedded within your website. The Ultimate Digital team can either assist with creating the campaign website or utilise existing website and adapting this for eCommerce functionality.

smartflow data

Transfer data

The digital Smartflow system is cloud based giving you total flexibility. Your data can be transferred and managed by Smartflow and automatically built into printable artwork, additionally if required Smartflow can visualise these artwork files in 3D.

smartflow artwork

Variable Artwork

To create a true personalised campaign your consumers can add names, messages and images to the packaging that are built into the template artwork. All of the data can be transferred and managed by Smartflow, allowing for print ready files that are automatically created and can be delivered to any digital press around the world.

smartflow print

Digital print

Our digital printing presses can manage variable data and print totally unique designs consecutively for each item. Smartflow feeds its variable data into the digital process taking full advantage of the unique opportunities this gives brands. Smartflow can manage the process globally, keeping data secure and delivering locked files.

Once the digital print is complete, it is sent to the packer...

smartflow artwork

Packed through standard production line

Film can be supplied to your existing film specifications to run down normal production lines and at normal speeds. The finished packs can then either be distributed by the brand or returned to Ultimate Digital for packing and dispatch.

The packaged products are then returned to Ultimate Digital...

smartflow scan for barcode

Unique barcode scanned for customer information

With our recently developed and complete fulfilment capability your unique or personalised packs can be scanned by the packing team using the unique bar codes created by Smartflow for each product. Pack details and any images can then be viewed on screen as a way to check and Smartflow prints the relevant address label for dispatch. The system will also send automatic emails to the customers telling them that their product is on its way for an enhanced customer experience.

smartflow packaged products

Packed in delivery carton

Smartflow is providing a complete supply chain management system for any digital campaign. Automatically delivering real time data and reporting on both internal and brand data. As this is a cloud based system all of your data is secure and allows you to have flexible access. Smartflow can also be scaled up or down depending on the demand.

smartflow delivery

Dispatched to customer

The products are dispatched in batches to your customers allowing a continuous flow of deliveries being dispatched.

smartflow tracking

Smartflow tracks the pack

Utilising Smartflow for the complete fulfilment process enables you to track your deliveries right through the internal process full transparency on the process and steps required.

smartflow social media

Social media

The best campaigns are linked to social media. Print volumes printed digitally maybe relatively small but hopefully the campaign catches consumer imagination and maybe even goes viral. Gives brands a unique connection with the people who buy their products which hopefully also leads to growth in sales of standard products.

The innovation within Ultimate Digital has opened up many global brands and taken the Ultimate group into many new markets with new and exciting products. As a market leader in the digital packaging arena our connection is with NPD and marketing teams with brands of all sizes.

For testing new product development digital is an obvious and cost effective way of developing short runs for product packaging. But it’s what we are able to do with digital print integrated into complete brand marketing campaigns which is a real sweet spot. Unique personalisation campaigns and the ability to transform the physical pack into a digital experience to allow the consumer and brand owner to interact one on one is a very compelling space. From being a simple pack on the shelf, products are rapidly becoming a link to the virtual and augmented world giving brands opportunities to link big marketing ideas with consumers via smartphones and tablets. Of course the best campaigns are linked to social media and although print volumes maybe small the campaign ignites consumer’s imagination and may even go viral delivering amazing brand connection and loyalty. Alongside the digital print expertise within the Ultimate Group our IT team have created Smartflow our bespoke workflow system, built initially to streamline our design to print process and capitalise on the variable data potential of digital print technology. Smartflow enables the production of millions of unique pieces of complete layered artwork in a few hours. However, Smartflow was further developed to fully interact with consumer front end websites to deliver a complete digital online platform for web to print digital campaigns. It also provides complete supply chain control, traceability of product and detailed report analysis.

smartflow content author


Here within the Ultimate Group we utilise HP technology for the innovative and advanced technology the HP Indigo digital press printers provide us.

We installed the first 6600 press into Ultimate Digital back in 2012 to begin our journey into digital print. With our customers demands changing they were soon asking us to produce quicker deliveries at shorter runs and this is when we moved to the HP Indigo 20000. This move enabled us to enhance our product packaging for increased flexibility. Producing brand new products and markets and doing things in a different way through digital print.

The quality and personalisation we can now offer is at a much higher standard than ever before, ensuring your premium products have the packaging to reflect their quality.



If our digital Smartflow system sounds of interest then why not get in touch with us to help your next campaign have the impact and drive it deserves. Personalisation has proven to have a big impact with consumers creating high interest and loyalty in your brand.

kitkat nestle partnership

"Our digital print expertise and unique web to print Smartflow system were combined to deliver personalised packs linked to an exciting social media campaign for an iconic Nestle chocolate brand."

Chris Tonge, Executive Director

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